Because, we sure did!
For one thing, I was off from work for almost 5 whole days. It was sort of 41/2 days, but who's counting?
It was a Halloween celebration!
We watched scary movies.
We also watched Saturday Night Fever, which is not a scary movie, but does contain scary hair and shoes.
We played with all the mammals.
I wrote 2 chapters of my new book for writing group!
The Blisschick and I danced like crazy fools (remember, I am her YogaDance class right now) almost every day.
That seems like a lot, but there's still more!
We gave out candy. One creepy tricker treater (an approximately 5 year old and very cute little, frilly princess) said these words to me: "Beware of evil. We eat waffles."
OK, what does that mean? Because now I'm scared of waffles. I don't want to be scared of waffles.
We chopped up a pumpkin. And here's the evidence:

What? You want to come along on the walk? Is that what I heard you say?
OK, come on!!
a sunday walk from marcy hall on Vimeo.
See, wasn't that a lovely walk?All this fun was enough to make....Someone...very sleepy:
OK, Zoe, we'll let you nap, then.
Shhhhhhh!!! Don't wake the baby! :)
Happy Monday!
Lovely walk! Thanks for taking us along. :)
Good soundtrack, Christine!
Sounds like a great weekend. Yay! :) Waffles!
I am supposed to be on a blog fast, but I find I just cannot live without you and Zoe, as well as a darling dog named Buster. Guess I am just going to give up and give in to my addiction to whimsical women with cute animals!
Tho I am a little upset I did so today ... because now I am scared of waffles too, and I really really like waffles!
Thank you (and the Chick!) for one of the best walks I've had in a long time! I live in Arizona so we don't have anything as autumnal nor historic as that. it's still in the 80's here, too :(
*sigh* perhaps someday we can move to a place that has "real" trees!
thanks for sharing your walk!
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