Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lazy Humans Attempt to Redeem Themselves


Lazy Human here.

I know. There's no excuse is there?

Miss Zoe really said it all on Monday. We are lazy. We don't deserve anything nice.

We certainly don't deserve to share Space and Breath with Things as Cute as the Cats and Rabbit who live here in the Lilypad.

But, then, we do share those things, so Someone is going to have to get over it.

I'm not mentioning any specific names there. I'm just saying...Someone.

Anyhow, since there was a severe lack of Rabbit Cinematic Events last week, we decided to double up this week and give you a feature today.

Just a little something to brighten up your Wednesday.

Just a little Rabbit to make it all better.

Zoe "Makes" the Bed. from marcy hall on Vimeo.

There there. That's better, isn't it?

I thought so.

Lazy Humans Officially Redeemed.

Well, sort of.


LMA said...

A perfect way for the resident girl and I to start our Wednesday!

(In an unrelated note, I love that duvet. Wait, Zoe ... it's nowhere near as lovely as you, OK? Is that better? Good.)

Lisa said...

Zoe is the new Martha Stewart! NOW I know how to make a bed ... what I have been doing wrong, all this time? - I have NOT been sniffing enough. Pull a little, stop, sniff sniff sniff. OK Zoe, I got it now. Thank You.

Emma said...

Zoe is such a hard worker!