In the overall picture of the year, Springtime represents new growth. Rebirth. Perhaps a re-awakening and/ or re-dedication to habits or practices that are still a little sleepy from a long and very cold Winter, things that might still be in bed, bundled up under a blanket (or is that just a cat?).
In other words:
Springtime = Creativity!!
Of course, Spring also equals Gnomes starting to do their yard work (or "work" as we refer to it, as it seems to mostly consist of looking busy. Though, perhaps our yard Gnomes are just lazier than others.)

Not a bad tactic. I could almost forget that he's supposed to be cleaning
garden beds with his tiny wheelbarrow, couldn't you?

Importance of Rabbits to the Springtime.
"Rabbits are Important to every season, really," adds Miss Zoe.
But, back to the Idea of Creativity.
Last Summer, through the Magic that is Blisschick, we came in contact with a person we now refer to as Abbey-Of-The-Arts-Christine (to distinguish her, of course, from Blisschick-Christine). A-O-T-A-Christine was a reader of and commenter on Blisschick. And, at some point, she wrote to say she liked my Art, which the Blisschick so nicely displays and links to at every opportunity.
We began to read Abbey of the Arts, (A-O-T-A-Christine's blog). Then, Christine asked me to paint her beautiful dogs, Abbess Petunia and the former Abbott Duke. She commissioned a triptych, with one of her dogs on either side and a Tree of Life on the center panel.
It was an honor to paint such wonderful souls.
And then, soon after that was finished and off in the mail to its new home, Christine contacted me again. This time to ask if I would like to be a part of her next Reflective Art Journal, due out in the Spring (which would be now).
Well, that was a no-brainer!! Of course I wanted to participate.
And then, last week, Mailman Rick delivered this lovely publication!!

Reflections in Word and Image by Christine Valters Paintner, PhD
and a wonderful gathering of sacred artists
(Gnome sold separately)
This issue is based on Christine's Sacred Artist Interviews, a feature of her Abbey of the Arts blog. It is full of excerpts from the Artist Interviews along with questions from Christine to inspire you to think about your own Creativity and Creative practices.
In addition to questions, Christine has interspersed into these excerpts and questions some poetically and eloquently written reflections on Creativity: its role in our lives, its Importance to our Spirituality, and also the role Creativity plays in making us whole and alive, and in making us "artists of the inner life."
I am extremely proud to be a featured artist in this issue of the Abbey of the Arts Reflective Art Journal. It is a beautifully made full-color, glossy paged little powerhouse of a book that is perfect for anyone in your life who needs a little kick in their Creative Pants!! (see here for a more extensive view of Illuminating Mystery on A-O-T-A-Christine's blog.)
If you'd like to purchase your own copy, you can do so here (you can also find her past publications here as well).
And one of the coolest parts is that all proceeds from your purchase will go to Christine's non-profit, Abbey of the Arts Fund for Scholarships and Outreach Programs. AWESOME!! You just can't go wrong.
In addition to questions, Christine has interspersed into these excerpts and questions some poetically and eloquently written reflections on Creativity: its role in our lives, its Importance to our Spirituality, and also the role Creativity plays in making us whole and alive, and in making us "artists of the inner life."
I am extremely proud to be a featured artist in this issue of the Abbey of the Arts Reflective Art Journal. It is a beautifully made full-color, glossy paged little powerhouse of a book that is perfect for anyone in your life who needs a little kick in their Creative Pants!! (see here for a more extensive view of Illuminating Mystery on A-O-T-A-Christine's blog.)
If you'd like to purchase your own copy, you can do so here (you can also find her past publications here as well).
And one of the coolest parts is that all proceeds from your purchase will go to Christine's non-profit, Abbey of the Arts Fund for Scholarships and Outreach Programs. AWESOME!! You just can't go wrong.
of my favorite paintings featured in this issue:
"I Create" by Shiloh Sophia McCloud
"I Create" by Shiloh Sophia McCloud
Thank you to Christine for asking me to be a part of this and of her world in general. It's been a pleasure.
Marcy, thanks for these wonderfully kind words! I am so delighted you like my newest project and heartfelt thanks again for helping to make it as beautiful as it is.
Blessings, AOTA-Christine :-)
This looks great!
Congratulations for being in a book!! How very wonderful. I'm so excited for you and for Zoe - without whom, you clearly could not be as creative or brilliant.
And will definitely check out the book and A-O-T-A Christine's blog.
Happy Spring time to you!
This is terrific! Thank you for sharing this.
I think I'm one of those people that need a little kick in my creative pants!
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