Monday, March 16, 2009

Zoe Movie, Take 1-- Action!

The moment you've been waiting for is finally here!!

Well, it's at least the moment Zoe and I have been waiting for.

Let me rewind for a moment.

I love making little movies, especially movies of Zoe doing... well... pretty much anything. It's fun to make movies of her playing. And eating. And just sitting there. And, I've tried about a million and one times to get a movie of her rolling in the sun, which she does on a pretty regular basis.

Seriously. A million and one times. Ask Blisschick. I drive her crazy with my movie making.

"Actually, Blisschick is not the only one driven crazy
by all the movie making. Trust me."

Well, anyway, I've taken all these movies, but maybe because they are being taken with a digital camera and not a video camera of some sort, or maybe just because I am a bit technically challenged, I've not had any luck loading movies on to my blog.

The problem with that is this: Miss Zoe does not just want to be a star in still photos.

She wants to be a Movie Star.

You know. It's important to Some Animals to be famous.

She is Some Animal.

So, this weekend, I worked on making it work. I finally signed up for a YouTube account and joined the 20th century. Oh, wait. It's the 21st century. Well, perhaps that's part of the problem.

Has this been enough build up?

OK, so get your popcorn (or your carrots) and take a look at Miss Zoe's first movie for public consumption:

Miss Zoe's Sunday Salad, starring Miss Zoe the World's Most Wonderful Rabbit!!

YAY, ZOE!!! You're a STAR!!!!!


carlikup said...

That is so awesome Marcy! I love Zoe! My kids love Zoe!

Anonymous said...

I give this film an Oscar!