Well, I've returned from the Little House in the Big Woods. And what an adventure it was!
I saw no humans for about 50 hours. No music, no TV, no noise except the whir of the Frigidaire and the occasional woodpecker or distant woofing of a Golden Retriever (they have such a distinctive bark). Oh, and the bells from the monastery.
It was a lot like being in Narnia for a few days. Narnia sans the mean witch, that is. Too bad I forgot my Turkish Delight. I had dried pineapple, but that's not quite the same.

It was all so beautiful and peaceful that it was hard to believe it was real. Blisschick and neighbor Bill dropped me off on Saturday morning about 10 AM. First thing after unpacking, I went out for a quick snowshoe. When the snow's really deep, there's just nothing like a pair of snowshoes. Just ask Pa Ingalls.
The little path leading to the cabin from the Monastery wasn't plowed, which made it a little hard to lug my stuff when we first arrived. But with my snowshoes, walking that path up to my cabin Hildegard (I called her Hildee by Saturday-- we became fast friends) was a breeze.
After the morning snowshoeing, I was ready to get creative. But it was weird to adjust. The no noise thing was disconcerting at first. I don't think about it much, but I'm constantly surrounded by noise.
At work there's people and phones and computers droning and the elevator ringing when someone gets stuck in it, and, well... you get the idea.
At home, we always have music on. Or we're talking. Or we're watching a movie.
So, silence took some time to acclimate to, but once I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, re-entering the world of noises and people today seemed just as strange.

disgruntled with me as Miss Zoe, but not nearly
as cute. Though, she was cute in her own way.
I'll probably be writing about this trip for a few days. And, I need a little time to snuggle all these animals I missed at home.
In fact, I'd better get to that right now.
I'll leave you with a couple of shots of me with Hildee. What a nice cabin. What a nice weekend.

Just magical! I love your pics... love the snow, the eye-in-the-tree trees... the cabin!
Special. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing :)
I'm glad you had such an awesome time!
OK the fact that you went outside while on retreat and built a snow-rabbit...? That's the sorta thing that makes you so fascinating and whimsical.
Well, Svasti beat me at it, but here it goes anyway:
Loved the woody-peck-pecker, the footpathsign, the snow bunny, but especially your hat and your "cool" hair!
And you got me all mushy with "Pa Ingalls" ... I loved Pa Ingalls ... I miss Pa Ingalls!
Can't wait to read more !
Sounds pretty wonderful! Snowy is adorable and so is your hat!
That is fantastic. Can't wait to hear more. I loved the eye in the tree!
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