On her blog, Sophia Leadership, our friend Heather Plett
asks these questions:
How can we change the World for Women, and How can Women Change the World?
These are Really Big Questions.
As I see it, the Simple Answer is this: Rabbits.
Well, not specifically
Rabbits. But I think the answer to this question is something a Tiny Rabbit can teach us. Or a Cat.
The Answer that Rabbits and Cats and well, pretty much all Religions and Philosophies (and I mean Eastern AND Western Religions) want us to know is that what changes the world is BIG LOVE.
(and I am not referencing the TV show about Mormons. Elizabeth and Blueberry wanted me to Clarify. That is a different Big Love. And it's not one that Rabbits are opposed to, but that's a story for another day, obviously.)
We tend to think of Compassion as The Thing. Like, we can see when someone has had a hard time, right? We can rationalize behaviors, we can see where people are coming from, we can even Understand and Empathize. As women, I think we tend to try to do that a lot, even if it's just superficially so we can avoid conflict.
But the HARDER thing to do, and I think something that Women have a bit of a corner on, is LOVING ANYWAY.
Even if we don't Understand.
Even if we can't Rationalize or Figure It Out.
Having Compassion is Great. Wonderful! But, as Rabbits see it, Compassion is only a small part of LOVE itself. The Greater Part of Love is just The Love Itself. Not the Understanding. Not the Empathy or the Sympathy or the Compassion, but the act of letting go of getting something for ourselves and giving into Just Giving.
Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love. I think that's what will Change the World for Women and How Women Can Change the World.
The Chick is also writing about this issue, and I think our posts compliment each other really well. I guess that makes sense. She has some great suggestions that are really concrete about how you can BIG LOVE other women. But we need to remember that this BIG LOVE concept extends not only to other Women, but also to.... Men. And... to Ourselves.
If we can't BIG LOVE everyone, then it's not going to work. Changing the World is for Everyone. We have to let go of expectations that others are trying to harm us or drag us down. No one can drag you down except yourself. Not really.
Well, a Rabbit can drag you down with a Simple Stare, but again, that's another story altogether.